When you invest in having a wedding videographer, you want to make sure you get the most of your experience as possible. You’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and money into your wedding day, so we want to make sure you remember every moment of it. Here are 5 tips to get the most out of your wedding videographer!


1. No Secrets

Seasoned professionals expect a certain flow to weddings, but still need to be prepared for special or unique moments. Be sure to update your videographer of any additions, changes, or special events to ensure they are ready to capture it. There’s no do-over’s, so we want to be prepared for everything!


2. Be Yourself

Every time you re-watch your wedding film, you want it to bring you right back to what you were thinking and feeling in those moments. In order to capture these genuine moments, you and your spouse need to just be yourselves. Act like the videographer isn’t even there, and just enjoy each other’s company.


3. Allow Videographers extra “Portrait” Time

We understand photos are just as important, and we don’t mind sharing the time with your photographers. However photography requires some formal posing and staging that doesn’t always translate as well to video. We would love if you gave us a few extra minutes of your time to film some more candid, unposed moments.

4. Always use a mic!

When people are nervous to speak, whether it’s reciting vows or giving their toast, they tend to speak softly and quickly. Take a breath, hold the mic up to your mouth, and try to slow down! You would be so disappointed if you received your wedding video and couldn’t hear your vows or toasts, right?


5. Treat your Videographer like a Guest

Your videographer is running around and working hard all day; having a place to sit and regroup at the reception goes a long way. When you ensure your videographer has a place to sit and eat a quick meal, it makes them feel very appreciated.


If you are interested in learning more or booking your wedding day with Courtney Kent Productions, contact us today!